Awards Committee


Aaron Bossler Aaron D. Bossler, MD, PhD (Chair)
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center

The AMP Awards Committee annually solicits nominations and selects the awardee for the Award for Excellence, Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award, and the Meritorious Service Award. The committee is chaired by the President-Elect and is made of up of appointed volunteers.

See the list of available awards and their criteria here.

Ongoing Responsibilities Include:

  • Reviews the AMP awards' criteria
  • Seeks nominations and selects the AMP major awardees
  • Considers new award proposals


Committee Members — 2025

If you are interested in serving on the Awards Committee, please see the various roles available and the responsibilities of each role by clicking here.

Aaron D. Bossler, MD, PhD
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center

Margaret Gulley, MD
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill School of Medicine

Shelby Melton, MD
VA North Texas Health Care System

Shi Yang, MD
Boston Univ School of Medicine, Boston Medical Center

Anna Yemelyanova, MD
Weill Cornell Medical College


Ex Officio Committee Members

Jane S. Gibson, PhD, FACMG
University of Central Florida College of Medicine

Chief Executive Officer
Laurie S. Menser, CAE

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