Open Public Comment

Open public comment periods allow key stakeholders to review guideline draft recommendation statements to help identify any errors or gaps prior to publication. This best practice guideline development process allows for greater transparency and complies with the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) standards. Open public comment additionally enables AMP to engage with a diverse group of interested stakeholders around the world, provide a higher-quality product to the AMP membership, and facilitate guideline implementation and dissemination efforts.

AMP Guidelines are available for a 2- to 3-week open comment period. Individual reviewers submit their comments anonymously through a SurveyMonkey form. An alternate form may be available for organizations to submit their comments. All comments are reviewed and considered by the subject matter expert guideline development panel. Any changes made to the draft recommendations from the open comment process will be reviewed and approved by the guideline panel. Comments are advisory only and AMP is not required to make any changes based on feedback from open comment. AMP will not respond to reviewers or post responses to comments.

Available for Open Comment

AMP is pleased to announce an open comment period for draft recommendations developed during the update and revision of Standards and Guidelines for the Interpretation and Reporting of Sequence Variants in Cancer: A Joint Consensus Recommendation of the Association for Molecular Pathology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and College of American Pathologists, which was published in January 2017.

The AMP ISV Somatic Guideline Update Project is sponsored exclusively by AMP. The AMP ISV Somatic Guideline Update Working Group was convened to perform a systematic literature review and update the 2017 practice guideline recommendations. The Working Group will review and consider all comments received.

The open comment period will close February 28, 2025, at 11:59 PM Eastern (US).

The AMP/ASCO/CAP Standards and Guidelines for the Interpretation and Reporting of Sequence Variants in Cancer Update Draft Recommendations were developed based upon a limited literature search performed for studies published since the issuance of the 2017 guideline recommendations through November 22, 2022. Additional publications were identified through individual submission and subgroup curation. A viewable copy of the draft recommendations is available for your review. The Working Group will conduct a literature search refresh and incorporate any additional findings into the final published recommendations. Therefore, these recommendations are in their draft form and subject to change based upon the comments gathered during this open comment period and informed by evidence gathered in the literature refresh.

The draft recommendations provided here represent time limited information and are not to be distributed, used, or considered as an accurate representation of the AMP ISV Somatic Guideline Update Working Group work product(s) after February 28, 2025.

Thank you for contributing your time and expertise to the AMP ISV Somatic Guideline Update Draft Recommendations development process during this open comment period. We look forward to your feedback to further enhance the final recommendations.

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