Molecular Genetic Pathology Review Course

Live Virtual 2025 MGP Review Course 

Join our faculty of molecular genetic pathology experts to prepare for a certification exam, earn continuing education credits, receive a refresher in molecular pathology core concepts, and stay up to date in the field. This virtual course will include didactic lectures, case studies, and opportunities for live question and answer sessions and in-depth discussions.

DATE: May 12–16, 2025 
LOCATION: Virtual online

Register Now


  • To assist attendees in preparing for the MGP Subspecialty Certification Exam (offered jointly by the American Board of Pathology and the American Board of Medical Genetics), as well as other certification exams in molecular pathology and molecular genetics, and
  • To enhance understanding of basic and applied molecular pathology knowledge of both fundamental and applied molecular pathology, including the use of commonly employed assays, as well as the molecular mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.

Participants should also be able to discuss the current molecular approaches to the diagnosis and prognosis of inherited diseases (including pharmacogenetics), molecular hematopathology, cytogenetics, solid and soft tissue tumors, molecular genetic testing of infectious diseases (including bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic pathogens), and DNA identity tests.


  • Molecular Technologies and Lab Methods 
  • NGS Platforms and Informatics 
  • Test Validation, Statistics, and Bayes’ Theorem 
  • Variant interpretation
  • Identity Testing 
  • HLA Transplant Testing 
  • Cytogenetics 
  • Inherited Conditions 
  • Molecular Oncology 
  • Pharmacogenomics 
  • Molecular Hematopathology 
  • Infectious Diseases 
  • Lab Management and Lab Finances 


Pathologists, geneticists, clinical laboratory directors, molecular pathology laboratory personnel, and trainees who:

  1. Those preparing for relevant certification exams including but not limited MGP, LGG, ABCC, or ABB exams*
  2. Those seeking institutional credentialing
  3. People who are seeking a refresher in molecular pathology core concepts.

Course director

Valentina Nardi, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital


Click HERE for the tentative agenda

Invited faculty

Pinar Bayrak–Toydemir, MD, PhD, FACMG, University of Utah/ARUP Laboratories
Alanna Church, MD, Boston Children's Hospital
Jesse Cox, MD, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Yi Ding, MD, PhD, Geisinger Health
Adrian M. Dubuc, PhD, FACMG, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Kevin Fisher, MD, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine
Erin H. Graf, PhD, D(ABMM), Mayo Clinic Arizona
Annette S. Kim, MD, PhD, University of Michigan/Michigan Medicine
Diana Mandelker, MD, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Ann Moyer, MD, PhD, Mayo Clinic
Ryan Peña, MD, PhD, D(ABHI), Tufts Medical Center
Jason N. Rosenbaum, MD, Kaiser Permanente, Northern California
Matija Snuderl, MD, NYU Langone Health
Laura J. Tafe, MD, Dartmouth Health System
Eric Vail, MD, Cedars–Sinai Medical Center
Rena Xian, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Registration type Dates AMP members Nonmembers
Early Bird February – March 31 at 4 p.m. Eastern $1,900 $2,000
Advanced  March 31 – April 15 at 4 p.m. Eastern $2,000 $2,225
Regular after 4 p.m. Eastern on April 15 $2,225 $2,500


Registration includes:

  • LIVE VIRTUAL presentations and Q&A with faculty
  • Daily meet the faculty sessions
  • A >100 question Pre- and Post-Test to measure gaps in knowledge and understanding of the course content
  • An MGP Book list of useful molecular pathology resources
  • Access to recorded presentations (including Q&A) and course materials until May 2027 (meet the faculty will not be recorded)
  • ~25 hours of CME or CMLE credit


Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received by written notification through March 31 will receive a refund (less a $250 cancellation fee). Cancellations received by written notification from April 1 through April 15 will receive a refund (less a $500 cancellation fee). No refunds are available after April 15. Cancellation requests should go to

Note that you may not duplicate, distribute, or broadcast any of the MGP Review Course materials without express written permission from the Association for Molecular Pathology.


Continuing education (CME & CMLE)

MGP Review Course will have continuing education credit. Click HERE for more information. 


Photography Disclaimer

Registration and attendance or participation in AMP meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to allow AMP to use and distribute the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities.


Code of Conduct

Registration and attendance at or participation in AMP meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to follow AMP's Code of Conduct.


Privacy Policy

Registration and attendance at or participation in the AMP Molecular Genetic (MGP) Review Course, you are consenting to AMP's Privacy Policy.


* DISCLAIMER: AMP makes no guarantee or assurances that completion of its courses or participation in any educational activity will in any manner ensure a passing score on any certification examination or activity post-test, or achievement of certification status. The AMP Molecular Genetic Pathology review course is an educational program provided by the Association for Molecular Pathology, (AMP) and is not sponsored or endorsed by the American Board of Pathology (ABP) or the American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG) or other certifying bodies.

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