How to Join the Education Community of Practice (EdCoPs)

Thank you for your interest in joining the Education Community of Practice Listserv. The EdCoP group consists of a group of educators who are interested in learning about best practices in education as well as how to educate. The listserv can be used to share teaching resources and share tips and tricks on the art of teaching.

Please note that you will need to be an AMP member to join.

Watch the 1-min how-to video or use the written instructions below the line



Once you’ve joined, we encourage you to introduce yourself and post something that you want to learn from the Education Community of Practice.

To Subscribe to Education Community of Practice (EdCoP) User Group

1) Go To CHAMP ( and click the Log in button.

2) Log in using your AMP Credentials

2) Once in CHAMP, click "Communities" at the top of the page, 

3) Select "All Communities" 

4) Find "EdCoPs: A Molecular Pathology Education Community of Practice" and click the "Join" button to the right.

5) Select how often you want to receive emails 

6) Click "Yes join the community" and you're now subscribed!

Once subscribed, you will be able to send email messages to others in the group using the applicable email address:


To view discussion threads or post files in the community library simply login, choose "My Communities" and find the EdCoP Interest Group.

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