Awards, Grants & Honors
AMP is pleased to offer a number of prestigious awards for outstanding work in the field of molecular diagnostics. These awards are designed to assist, support, and honor members of the molecular diagnostics community. If you have questions about these awards please contact us by email.
AMP Recognition Awards
- AMP Award for Excellence in Molecular Diagnostics
AMP's highest award, the AMP Award for Excellence in Molecular Diagnostics recognizes lifetime pioneering and special achievements by professionals in the fields of molecular biology, molecular pathology, pathology, genetics, microbiology and basic medical sciences, especially as these achievements relate to molecular diagnostics and molecular medicine.
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- AMP Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award
The AMP Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award is AMP's highest award given to an AMP member for exceptional leadership in advancing the mission and goals of the Association for Molecular Pathology. This award is bestowed each year during the Business and Awards Session of the Annual Meeting & Expo.
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- AMP Meritorious Service Award
The AMP Meritorious Service Award recognizes an AMP member for particularly estimable service to the organization. The recipient has demonstrated exceptional dedication and effort, over time and often behind-the-scenes, to provide exceptional service to AMP and its membership. In addition, the recipient generally also provides especially notable service to the molecular pathology profession. The award is not necessarily given annually, but only when it is determined that service exists that warrants this special recognition. More than one recipient may be acknowledged if warranted.
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Trainee Awards
- Young Investigator Poster Awards
The Young Investigator Poster Awards honor the best posters presented at the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo.
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- AMP Global Young Investigator Poster Awards
The AMP Global Young Investigator Poster Awards recognize the best abstracts submitted by trainees or early-career technicians or laboratory scientists who are first authors and who present outstanding basic or applied research in poster format. This award is offered only for the AMP international meetings; please refer to the event website for more information.
- AMP Global Young Investigator Travel Awards
The AMP Global Young Investigator Travel Awards provide travel assistance to the AMP international meetings to help nurture the next generation of molecular professionals in laboratory medicine. This award is offered only for the AMP international meetings; please refer to the event website for more information.
- International Trainee Travel Award
The AMP International Trainee Travel Award provides travel assistance to the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo to selected international AMP member trainees (residents, fellows and students) residing and employed outside the United States who do not receive travel support from their institutions.
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- U.S.-Based Trainee Travel Awards
The AMP Trainee Travel Award is for up to three AMP member trainees who live and work in the U.S., who receive complimentary registration and up to $1,500 travel reimbursement assistance to the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo. Preference is given to trainees with an accepted abstracts and to those without institutional support for meeting registration.
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- Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) Travel Awards
AMP offers travel awards for individuals who are underrepresented in medicine in the United States. Per the Association of American Medical Colleges, these individuals will be from "racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population."
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Technologist Awards
- Technologist Poster Awards
The Technologist Poster Awards honor the three best posters submitted by AMP member nondoctoral technologists or medical technologists for the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo.
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- Technologist Travel Award
The AMP Technologist Travel Award provides travel assistance to the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo to selected AMP member technologists who do not receive travel support from their institutions.
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- Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) Travel Awards
AMP offers travel awards for individuals who are underrepresented in medicine in the United States. Per the Association of American Medical Colleges, these individuals will be from "racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population."
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Practicing Pathologists & Laboratorians Awards
- Underrepresented in Medicine (URM) Travel Awards
AMP offers travel awards for individuals who are underrepresented in medicine in the United States. Per the Association of American Medical Colleges, these individuals will be from "racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population."
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International Awards/Grants
The AMP International Molecular Pathology Award for Conference Travel Awards are for applicants from lower-middle and low-income countries as defined by the World Bank Classifications.
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- International Membership Grant
The AMP International Membership Grant is awarded each year to up to five non-U.S. laboratory professionals who would not otherwise have access to AMP services and activities due to limited financial resources in the applicant's local environment. Recipients of this grant receive AMP membership for one calendar year as a regular member and online access to AMP's journal, The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. Applications are accepted starting in November.
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- International Trainee Travel Award
The AMP International Trainee Travel Award provides travel assistance to the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo to selected international AMP member trainees (residents, fellows and students) residing and employed outside the United States who do not receive travel support from their institutions.
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- AMP Global Young Investigator Poster Awards
The AMP Global Young Investigator Poster Awards recognizes the best abstracts submitted by trainees or early-career technicians or laboratory scientists who are first authors and who present outstanding basic or applied research in poster format. This award is offered only for the AMP international meetings; please refer to the event website for more information.
- AMP Global Young Investigator Travel Awards
The AMP Global Young Investigator Travel Awards provide travel assistance to AMP international meetings to help nurture the next generation of molecular professionals in laboratory medicine. This award is offered only for the AMP international meetings; please refer to the event website for more information.