The AMP International Trainee Travel Award provides travel assistance to the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo for up to three (3) selected international AMP member trainees (residents, fellows and students) residing and employed outside the United States who do not receive travel support from their institutions.
Award amount: Up to $3,000 in travel reimbursement, plus meeting registration
Application opens: April 1, 2025
Application deadline: June 30, 2025
This travel award is for trainees who reside and work outside the United States and is made possible by the Jeffrey A. Kant–AMP Education Fund. The fund was established to honor Jeffrey A. Kant, M.D., Ph.D., who was one of AMP's founding members, its first president, the first recipient of the AMP Leadership Award, a chair of the AMP Economic Affairs Committee and holder of other leadership roles. As a mentor to many in the field of molecular diagnostics, Kant valued getting trainees into molecular diagnostics, involved in AMP, and facilitating community among AMP members. His tireless commitment to his profession and to AMP has provided a lasting legacy.
The intent of this travel award is to provide the opportunity for trainees who reside and work outside the U.S. to explore and engage more in the field of molecular pathology by attending the AMP Annual Meeting & Expo.
Preference will be given to trainees who do not reside in a high-income country as listed by the World Bank Country Classifications.
The trainee applicant must:
Part A: Tasks for the trainee applicant to perform:
Part B: Tasks for the trainee's program director to perform:
The trainee applicant's program director sends an email to with the following information:
A. Humerya Dur Karasyar (Türkiye)
Ifeoluwa Hephizibah Ojelabi (Nigeria)
Rohini Sebastian (India)
Lamia Sabry Aboelnasr (Egypt)
Pooja Vaid (India)
Petroula Gerasimou (Cyprus)
Aanchal Chopra (India)
Petroula Gerasimou (Cyprus)
Rohan Sardana (India)
(None due to the global COVID-19 pandemic)
Mamta Gurav (India)
Elan Hahn (Canada)
Vamshi Krishna Thamtam (India)
Carla Godoy (Brazil)
Pragya Gupta (India)
Julia Thierauf (Germany)
Ketevani Kankava (Georgia)
Sushant Vinarkar (India)
Rahul Katara (India)
Shara Kamil Nizamaddin (Iraq)
Sandeep Thapa (Nepal)
Manjistha Ahooja (India)