AMP Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award

The AMP Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award is AMP's highest award given to an AMP member for exceptional leadership in advancing the mission and goals of the Association for Molecular Pathology. This award is bestowed each year during the Business and Awards Session of the Annual Meeting & Expo.

This is one means for all AMP members to publicly honor the exceptional accomplishments and notable contributions of an individual who has demonstrated vision and direction for both AMP and the field of molecular pathology. Nominations are sought from the Regular membership with final recommendation to the Board of Directors by the AMP Awards Committee. Award winners receive an honorarium and a commemorative gift.

Ready to submit your nomination for an outstanding individual deserving of AMP recognition? Self-nominations are also accepted.

Submit a Nomination

AMP Strategic
Initiatives Fund

The AMP Strategic Initiatives Fund strengthens AMP capacity and enables new initiatives. New projects supported with past contributions include the Technologist Travel Award and international membership grants.

Give to the AMP Strategic Initiatives Fund today: Log in to the AMP member-only portal and click on "Donate to AMP" or download an AMP Strategic Initiatives Fund Contribution Form

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