The AMP Meritorious Service Award recognizes an AMP member for particularly estimable service to the organization. The Recipient has demonstrated exceptional dedication and effort, over time and often behind-the-scenes, to provide invaluable service to AMP and its membership. In addition, the Recipient generally also provides especially notable service to the molecular pathology profession.
The Meritorious Service Award is distinct from the AMP Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award in that service is an opportunity available to AMP members at any stage of their career and is often out of the spotlight afforded those in leadership positions.
The award is not necessarily given annually but only when it is determined that service exists that warrants this special recognition. More than one recipient may be acknowledged if warranted.
Ready to submit your nomination for an outstanding individual deserving of AMP recognition? Self-nominations are also accepted.
The Awards Committee solicits online nominations from November through April.
There is no annual deadline; awards may be selected and awarded at any time of the year. However, there is a selection deadline of 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting & Expo to acknowledge a recipient in the Program Book for that meeting. Recipients selected less than 90 days prior to an Annual Meeting & Expo may either not be listed in the Program Book or acknowledgment will be held until the following year.
The recipient(s) will be recognized at the AMP Annual Meeting. Depending on the nature of the awardee’s contributions, other venues such as The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (JMD) may be utilized. Each recipient will receive a certificate of appreciation and a congratulatory letter. Recipients will also be acknowledged on the AMP website.
Selection of recipients will be based on the Awards Committee assessment of:
2024: Eric Q. Konnick, M.D., M.S.
2023: Jordan Laser, M.D.
2022: Samuel K. Caughron, M.D.
2021: Marina N. Nikiforova, M.D.
2020: Ronald M. Przygodzki, M.D.
2019: Rami Mahfouz, M.D., M.P.H.
2018: Kevin C. Halling, M.D., Ph.D.
2017: Alexis B. Carter, M.D.
2016: Neal I. Lindeman, M.D.
2015: Roger D. Klein, M.D., J.D.
2014: Aaron Bossler, M.D., Ph.D.
2013: S. Terence (Terry) Dunn, Ph.D.
2012: Helen Fernandes, Ph.D. and Shuji Ogino, M.D., Ph.D.
2011: Marlene Sabath-Solitaire, Ph.D. and Terry Redondo, M.D.
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