Call for Applications

The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (JMD) Seeks New Editor-in-Chief

Term Start Date: March 1, 2022

Deadline to Apply: August 31, 2021

The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (JMD) is in search of its next Editor-in-Chief (EIC). The successful candidate will be responsible for directing the editorial vision of the JMD and ensuring its continued success as the leading publication in the field of diagnostic molecular pathology. Now in its 22nd year of publication, the JMD has risen to the top-rated journal specializing in molecular diagnostics (2019 impact factor, 5.553; 2019 5-year impact factor, 5.158). The EIC will steer the JMD’s continuing evolution by providing editorial direction and oversight, embracing new publishing technology initiatives, and ensuring that the JMD remains responsive to the changing face of molecular medicine. The EIC will work collaboratively with the AMP Publications Committee to identify existing and emerging molecular diagnostics trends and directions to ensure that JMD remains the primary destination for authors, researchers, and clinicians. The EIC will inherit the support of an experienced, centralized editorial office that facilitates the rapid online review and efficient handling of manuscript submissions distributed among Associate Editors with diverse areas of expertise and practice.

JMD is the official Journal of the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP), co-owned by the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP), and published by Elsevier, Inc.

Please address any inquiries to Emily Essex, Managing Editor, at

  • Demonstrated leadership in and understanding of trends in the field of molecular diagnostics;
  • Solid experience in fundamental or translational research relevant to molecular medicine;
  • Experience and organizational skills to manage timely editorial peer review and production;
  • General expertise in at least one of the subdivision areas covered in JMD: genetics, hematopathology, infectious disease, solid tumors, or informatics
Application procedure:
  • Letter of Intent highlighting motivation, qualifications, and editorial vision for the continued evolution of the JMD.
  • Curriculum Vitae
Submit to:

Search Committee Chair

c/o Managing Editor, The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics


American Society for Investigative Pathology

1801 Rockville Pike., Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20852 (USA)

Tel: 240-283-9700 Email:


Association for Molecular Pathology

6120 Executive Blvd., Suite 700, Rockville, MD 20852 (USA)

Tel: 301-634-7987 Email:

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  • Merck

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  • Hologic

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  • Roche

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