sAMPle Exchange

The sAMPle Exchange Community is an initiative of the AMP International Affairs Community. Initially designed to serve non-U.S. molecular laboratories, the sAMPle Exchange Community is open to all AMP members. The sAMPle Exchange Community can be used for a variety of purposes, including molecular test validation and alternative proficiency testing.
The sAMPle Exchange Community provides information only.
- Compliance regarding all applicable laws and regulations is the sole responsibility of the exchanging individuals and/or laboratories.
- Any risk associated with participation in sample exchanges is the sole responsibility of the exchanging individuals and/or laboratories.
- Samples exchanged will be free of patient identifiers
- AMP will not sponsor, support or conduct the sample exchanges, assay development or assay performance. AMP will not receive or store samples. AMP will not be responsible for the accuracy of data, the conduct or negligence of any laboratory or individual, or any harm that may result from an assay developed using exchanged samples.
The AMP International Affairs Community will monitor and evaluate the program to ensure improvement and continued relevance. For questions regarding the sAMPle Exchange Community or to send suggestions for improvement, contact
How to Use the sAMPle Exchange Community
To be a part of this online sAMPle Exchange community, send and receive emails in the group, you need to subscribe. Instructions to SUBSCRIBE are below:
- Log into CHAMP: go to and log into your account. Then select “CHAMP” at the top of the page.
- From your CHAMP main screen, click on the Communities tab in the tab bar and select "All Communities"
- The first community to populate on that list is the AMP sAMPle Exchange Community. Click the Join button on the right side.
- A pop-up window will appear. Select how often you would like to receive emails (we do not recommend selecting No Email)
- Select the “Yes Join Community” button.
- You will now be able to send email messages using the address to the others members that subscribe to the s-AMP-le Exchange Community.
- To view discussion threads, post files in the community library (e.g., photos of t-shirts), simply login, choose “Communities”, ”My Communities", AMP sAMPle Exchange community
In the SUBJECT line of your email, begin with, “Sample Requested: xyz ” or “Sample Offered: xyz” where “xyz” is the sample in question.
To REQUEST a sample from other laboratories, please include the following information in your listserv email:
- Disease/Condition/Characterization:
- Specific Gene of Interest, if applicable:
- Sample Type: Select all that apply: Bone Marrow, Cell Pellets, Cells - Frozen, CSF, Cultured Material, Peripheral Blood - Whole, Purified DNA, Purified RNA, Stool, FFPE Tissue, Frozen Tissue, Urine, None, Other (please specify)/li>
- Assay Type, if required: Samples have been tested using the assays listed here.
- Infectious Agent Assessment, if performed: Indicate if samples are known “positive” for an infectious agent, or if samples have been tested and found to be “negative” for an infectious agent.
- Shipping & Storage Requirements: Provide shipping instructions (FAA and international requirements, homeland security, IATA - risk group 3 and customs requirements - customs forms, state regulations), storage
- Keywords/Search Terms: Please list keywords, search terms, or synonyms (words that have the same or nearly the same meaning), or other words that you would anticipate that people would use to find your sample listing. Please use commas to indicate multiple keywords.
- Comments: Any further comments regarding sample type or clarifications to request.
- Contact Information (email address) for direct communications from others.
To SHARE or offer a sample from your laboratory, please include the following information in your listserv email:
- Disease: Bacterial Infection, Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Genetic Disorder, Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Parasitic Disease, Viral Infection, Other (please specify)
- Specific Gene:
- Sample Type: Bone Marrow, Cell Pellets, Cells - Frozen, CSF, Cultured Material, Peripheral Blood - Whole, Purified DNA, Purified RNA, Stool, FFPE Tissue, Frozen Tissue, Urine, None, Other (please specify)
- Assay Type: FISH, Microsatellite Assay, Allele-specific PCR, Conventional PCR, Multiplex PCR, NGS, Pyrosequencing, Sanger Sequencing, None, Other (please specify)
- General Comments:
- Contact Information (email address) for direct communications from others.
To SEARCH for a sample in the discussion threads, simply use the "Search" button on the right panel and enter key words and/or gene names once you have entered the community.
Questions? Email: